Let’s chat about wealth and property. They are not the same. Wealth implies an abundance of resources and items that are important to us. Prosperity is financial success. It is possible to be rich and still lack wealth and/or prosperity. Money is a medium of exchange. Many have been rich…
Bible’s Financial Advice
The Bible offers financial advice to help you experience financial independence. Anxiety about money matters takes an enormous toll on mental and physical health. The Bible addresses our attitude toward it. For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether…
Wisdom and Financial Management in the Bible
In Ecclesiastes 7:12 Solomon states “For wisdom is protection just as money is protection, But the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom keeps its possessors alive.” Wisdom and financial management are a defense. But understand that money helps to protect necessities. It is wise to manage our money properly to…
Financial Independence in the Bible
The Bible offers financial advice to help you experience financial independence. Anxiety about money matters takes an enormous toll on mental and physical health. The Bible addresses our attitude toward it.In Luke 14:28, Jesus lays out the terms for followers. He talks about goal setting and lays out a plan…
Passages on Budgeting in the Bible
The Bible has an abundance of verses referring to our financial independence and need to budget or plan. The following are all from the New King James Version. 2 Corinthians 9:8And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things,…
Financial Resilience
Financial resilience allows us to recover from unexpected events. We must have a plan in place to manage economic challenges. It is an ongoing process that involves planning and disciplined saving to strengthen your ability to manage sudden expenses or loss of income. How would you handle a financial shock? …
Intro to Budgeting
A budget is an important tool you can plan for. It can help control costs, manage cash flow, and plan for investments. Operating without a budget can lead to overspending, poor planning, and potential failure; it’s a crucial tool for understanding your financial health. A budget is easy, it’s the…
Budgeting Expenses
Assets vs Expenses Assets are items that we purchase that will be used for more than one year. When an item is used up within a year it is considered an expense. Assets are the resources that will be used in the future. Expenses are the costs that the company…
Steps to Financial Freedom
Set Goals Goals are accomplished by taking steps on a daily basis to move forward. It may be reading an article on the economy, keeping track of your industry for business, or researching the best job growth areas. Setting goals can help hold you accountable and help you take more…
Starting the Path to Financial Independence
The best place to start is understanding why specifically you’d like financial independence. Let’s say I put together a retirement estimation and it showed I require an additional $10,000 per year. My goal is to adjust my spending or increase my income to achieve this level of financial independence or…