In Ecclesiastes 7:12 Solomon states “For wisdom is protection just as money is protection, But the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom keeps its possessors alive.” Wisdom and financial management are a defense. But understand that money helps to protect necessities.
It is wise to manage our money properly to ensure that our basic needs are met such as providing food, clothing, shelter, and the like. These are basics that provide a positive benefit to our style of living. We benefit by earning and budgeting which provides a safety net necessary for financial freedom.
A person who is poor, but wise, is more likely to become successful than a foolish person born into wealth is to maintain their fortune. – Proverbs 8:18 |
We must have worthy goals striving for gratification with the blessing that God has provided, fulfilling our basic needs. Do not have a love for money, which can cause sorrow. Proper management is necessary.
By diving into the scriptures we rethink success, learning that financial independence is not built on self-reliance but on trust in God. Each hardship is a stepping stone, financial freedom starts with learning to manage resources responsibly.
For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. -1Timothy 6:10 |
Proverbs 13:4 maintains “The soul of a lazy man desires and has nothing, but the soul of the diligent shall be made rich.” Idle people want much but get little; those who work hard will prosper. An idle person often daydreams about what they want, yet they never reach those goals because they do not work for them.
The real problem isn’t money itself but an obsession with it. When use money seeking fulfillment through wealth alone we fall into a trap of dissatisfaction Solomon’s message challenges us to view money differently money by itself is not good or bad it’s simply a tool how do we use it if we allow money to dictate our principles we become enslaved to it but if we treat it as a tool. The Bible says the love of money is the root of all evil. When aligned with wisdom and Godly principles we can grow as it becomes a resource for good rather than a source of greed.
The myth we need to break free from is the belief that spiritual people must be poor or that wealth and faith cannot coexist. This misunderstanding has held back how we manage our wealth. Solomon teaches us to seek wisdom and to use money as a tool to achieve a higher purpose. It’s crucial to understand that money amplifies who we are if we see it as a tool, we can use it with wisdom.